KentForLiberty pages

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

"The Top 100 Libertarian Blogs"

Here, from a non-libertarian site, is their list of "The Top 100 Libertarian Blogs". I'm not sure what criteria they used to choose, but I was happy to see myself on there. Of course, they included me with the "politicians". Eww! The campaign is over so if I ever was one, I'm not one anymore!


  1. You should start thinking about 2016 now to get a jump on things.

  2. Congratulations, I think. I say "I think" not just because of the category into which you were placed, but because of some of the company you have in the list. I clicked on a few new-to-me blogs, and was disappointed to find blogs that are very infrequently updated, and one that had this in the sidebar:

    "I'm an Alberta separatist and a pro-American, "Rule Britannia" sort who isn't afraid to support the White House and #10 in sticking their noses in wherever there's some wrongdoing going on, because someone's got to do it."

    Yeah, that's real libertarian thought there. *gags*

  3. Well, as I said, the list was compiled by non-libertarians so .....

    And, no, I won't be running for president again. By 2016 I may be living in a cave, sending out incoherant videos. Actually, I have always wanted to live in a cave.

  4. Too damn bad. If someone holds a gun to my head and forces me to vote in 2016, I am writing in your name.

    Just try to stop me... mwuhahahaHAHAH

  5. Well, under those circumstances I would completely understand your voting for me. If I got enough write-in votes in any election to be "elected", I would serve and the state would never be the same.
