KentForLiberty pages

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Government Of, By, and For the Defectives

I am not into debating about, or comparing my views to, the libertarian thinkers and philosophers of the past. I don't try to decide which economic "school" I follow or which conspiracy is "the One" which will bring down the Ruling Parties behind the scenes. Strange as it may seem, I am not a very political person. Why do I do this then? Because I care deeply about individual people and their freedom. I want liberty for all! I want, as much as possible, a "politics-free" world. I want people to not need to worry about ridiculous regulations inconveniencing them (or worse). Perhaps I am a simpleton for operating this way.
I don't need any government. In fact, about the only way to become my enemy is to get government involved in my life. I can work out my differences with other people without calling in the enforcers. So can just about everyone else. The ones who can't are defective. To structure our entire society to accommodate the defectives among us is insane.
I don't like unnecessary complications. To my way of thinking, that is all government really is: unnecessary complications. Busy-work on a monumental scale. People know how to get along without nonsense "laws", and they normally do just fine. They also know, at an instinctive level, what "justice" is. Only when you stir in a little "government" does the whole thing get murky.

1 comment:

  1. People create a lot of their suffering by complicating their own lives and that of others. Simplifying one's life, on the other hand, does not tend to cause much suffering, or causes equal parts of suffering and happiness.
