KentForLiberty pages

Friday, October 26, 2007

Pomp, Ceremony, and Goofy Haircuts

Too many people feel a inordinate respect for and are highly impressed by trappings of military pageantry. They crave silly rituals, ridiculous uniforms, and goofy haircuts. As the police become more and more militarized, notice how they adopt those same things. Especially the "goofy haircuts" part. (I guess they go along with the full-auto firearms that protect "them" from "us".)

Getting back to the topic: Could libertarians use this knowledge to our advantage, somehow? Not being one of those who are impressed (or intimidated) by such, I have a hard time coming up with a way to "use" the information. It would need to be solemn, at least to the participants. The rest of us can giggle to ourselves. It would also need to be completely voluntary. That way, those of us who have evolved beyond such needs could overlook it.

The problem is, people who engage in militaristic pomp and ceremony (and goofy haircuts)quickly begin to see themselves as better than those who do not. Would (or does) that hold true even in a libertarian society? I'm afraid it might.

On a side note, I just invented a new word by way of a typographical error: "libertarina". Perhaps that could be a new label for female libertarians. We need more libertarinas!