KentForLiberty pages

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Government Harms Babies

It seems that everyone I know either just had a baby or is pregnant. Looking into those innocent little faces, you want to be able to protect them from everything. Especially from government agencies that pretend to exist to protect them.

One new mother I know nicked her baby's chin with his zipper when she was dressing him. She was wanting to take him to the doctor's office for a stomach problem, but wouldn't for fear that the "Child Protective Service" would think she was abusive and take him away. Her mother was eventually able to help her with the baby, and it turned out he was OK, but her fear of an overreaching government stood in the way of seeking professional help.

I also knew of a couple in another state who got into an argument with their neighbors who then carried out their threat and called the state and reported them as child abusers. The last I knew they had still never seen their children again. It is hard to prove yourself innocent, which is why the burden of proof is supposed to be on the prosecutors. (Tell that to the IRS!)

In many cases the fear of these things happening is overblown. The problem is that you can never tell which tiny thing will get the snowball rolling. On some occasions children do need to be rescued from abusive parents. I don't think that is government's job. Sure, the scorpion of government can sting those who harm children. But that scorpion is stupid and blind and doesn't notice who it stings. The children are often its victims. Is it worth the risk to let that beast near your child?