KentForLiberty pages

Friday, October 12, 2007

"Politics" and Mental Issues

The more emotionally healthy a person is; the fewer irrational fears they have and the fewer people they hate; the less they need "politics". As I have stated before, "politics is the way to deal with people you don't like", and now I would add "and things you are afraid of". Those who use politics to try to insulate themselves from the people and things they hate and fear become authoritarians; the society they create becomes a police-state. They are the ones with the mental problems, yet they try to tell us we are sick. This is why I feel we should strive for a politics-free world.

Libertarian politics is simply a self-defensive reaction to political terrorism on the part of the authoritarians. For the most part, libertarians, as of yet, have not been very proactive (how I hate that pretentious word!, but it fits here). Since we only wish to be left to live our lives in peace, we have been forced to react to the nonsensical, counterfeit "laws" that authoritarians have enacted to control us. We stagger from one blow to the next. So far. Maybe we should start acting first so the statists among us will be caught off-guard and maybe America can regain some freedom before the authoritarians know what hit them.