KentForLiberty pages

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Integrity, Character, or the Lack Thereof

Maybe I am just a crazy libertarian and my views are not "mainstream", but at least I have enough character to stand by the agreements I make. Today I am being put into a very bad position by someone who apparently does not.

Because I am a libertarian; because I have the courage and the principles to speak out against evil government programs; because I am able to see that a government that uses torture (and calls it "enhanced interrogation techniques") has no moral high-ground to defend... because of these things I am considered a "bad person".

Because I speak out on the insanity of the continually failing "War on Drugs" and it's evil step-child, the discredited D.A.R.E. police-state indoctrination program, I am assumed to be an addict, and I am not to be trusted.

I am not a mindless, flag-waving nincompoop. I know the difference between the flag and the ideals it was originally intended to embody, but now opposes. I know the difference between right and "legal". It infuriates me that some can't, or don't want to, recognize the difference.

I am sure this person believes himself to be a "patriotic American", yet nothing could be further from the truth. America was founded on certain principles; principles that have been rejected and trashed by the current government. Patriotism demands the courage to stand up for the principles of America and oppose the policies of the current government. Supporting America, supporting liberty, now means having the courage to point at government and say "Tyranny! Be gone!"

Now, I find myself backed against a wall. Simply because I spoke out about the things I feel are important if America is to ever be free again. I am caught between my principles and someone else's ignorance and hate. And I am mad.