KentForLiberty pages

Monday, August 27, 2007

Tomorrow is "The Day" - Buy Ammo

Don't forget: Tomorrow, August 28th is the day to buy ammo. Let's clean the store shelves to send the Brady Mass-Murderers Fan Club a clear message.

Societal Fairness vs. Authoritarianism

Whatever you wish to call my philosophy, libertarianism, anarchism, impractical simpleton-ism, it is the only one I have found that is completely consistent. I never take any rights or liberties that I do not also assume for everyone else. To me this shows that it is the best. There are no rivals.

I try to answer any and all objections to my views. I listen to the arguments against them, but I have never run across any argument that does not include some type of justification or exception where priviliged groups or classes of people are allowed to do things that are prohibited to other, less elite, people in the society. If the "lesser" people have been conditioned to expect this foul treatment, they may not notice it. Even if they do notice they may not complain because "this is the way it has always been done".

This strikes me as "unfair". How do you like that word? I know that life is not fair. Good people sometimes die young of terrible diseases, while a child molester may live into old age. A car wreck can kill the sober mother of three, while the drunk politician walks away unhurt. That is life in the universe. Where I expect fairness is where people make a conscious choice in some matter. The universe does not care, but people should.

When designing a political system to base a society upon, it should be set up in a fair way. A choice is being made. There should not be certain people who are officially allowed to steal while it is forbidden of others. There should not be a special class of people who can walk around with guns for the safety of themselves and others while everyone else is expected to be a potential victim, waiting to be rescued. The same rule or rules must apply to everyone in that society, from the exalted Decider to the "lowliest" gum scraper. Otherwise, keep looking for a better system.