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Saturday, July 28, 2007

"US Department of Theft" Loses Another One

Here is some good news in the fight against the US Department of Theft (also incorrectly known as the IRS): IRS Loses Challenge to Prove Tax Liability!

America's Problem: The US government

America has a drug problem. It is the DEA. By the same token, the only "gun problem" America has is the BATFE and the mindset that government has the authority to regulate guns in some way. I guess what it really comes down to is this: America has a government problem. Enabling the problem are those among us who believe government is necessary for civilization, instead of recognizing that civilization exists in spite of government. Even worse are those, like a certain Republican Presidential candidate (Rudy G.), who says "freedom means obeying the authorities". America is a great country, but it is being held back (and held down) by buffoons calling themselves the US government. America does not need the "USA". America needs to give freedom a chance. It is what we were promised; it is time we took it.