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Sunday, May 20, 2007

A Libertarian, Ron Paul, and Hitlery

My dream presidential ballot would offer the choices of the Libertarian candidate (whosoever that may be), Ron Paul as the Republican, and Hillary Klinton as the Democratic/National Socialistic (Natso) choice.

In my view, this would be an impossible election for freedom to lose, in the long run. Any Libertarian would be better than anyone else. Ron Paul would be better than anyone other than me (in my oh-so-humble opinion, LOL), and with Hitlery elected, the gloves would be off and we could get down to the business of "The War of Independence II". No, I don't want all-out war, but I feel it is probably inevitable now. America is already at war with the US, most people just don't realize it yet.

Begin working hard to promote one of these candidates in order that this election can be the most entertaining election imaginable. After all, isn't that what politics is really about?