KentForLiberty pages

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Prohibit Guns to the "Mentally Ill"?

You didn't ask, but I'll tell you anyway why I oppose forbidding guns to those judged "mentally ill". Mainly it is because I do not trust those who get to decide who is mentally ill, and what constitutes a mental illness. By their hoplophobic reasoning, anyone who desires to own a gun or does not bow to their "authority" is mentally ill. The simple desire to own a gun could easily become the excuse to deny the right.

Violent people, mentally ill or not, would be culled from society by their intended victims if government meddling were to stop. The only way to be truly safe from predators is to protect the absolute right of everyone to own and to carry any type of weapon they want, any where they go, in any way they see fit; openly or concealed. That way when a person who is truly mentally ill decides to go on a killing spree, it will be ended quickly by the fully free people around him. Just as it should be.