KentForLiberty pages

Monday, April 30, 2007

Gazing into the Mirror

I have been spending the past week or two examining whether I have anything to offer. I am still not sure. I hear a lot of "I would support you if you would ____ ". Fill in the blank with whatever you think may fit. It seems that people are eager to get behind candidates who are flashy, polished, and/or are good at public speaking. I am none of those things. I am not even particularly shocking or profane. I am decidedly uncomfortable with interviews. I can't fill large expanses of minutes talking about myself or my views. I don't have anything to say that I haven't said dozens (or hundreds) of times before, and I begin to feel foolish repeating myself. I have an elderly relative who asks me who I am every five minutes (or less) when I am around her. Sometimes it seems the same in this campaign.

I do know the shape of the future that I want to see for my children and their children. I just don't see that this road leads there.