KentForLiberty pages

Friday, January 26, 2007

Are All Presidents Mad-Men?

I often wonder if all who seek to become president are mad. I know it seems that most of them, perhaps all of them, behave as though they are completely insane once they take office. I observe the disconnect with reality that is displayed when presidents speak to reporters (themselves not known, as a group, to be very rational). It is truly astounding what presidents think we will believe when they say it. "Tell a lie often enough and it will become accepted as the truth." Playing with the lives of humans as if they are chess pieces to be used in the deadly games of government. Sane humans do not do this. The disregard to human life is enough to make the most infamous serial-murderers look compassionate. The political process weeds out those of us who are not willing to compromise our principles and lie ourselves into the good graces of the voters. Maybe this is why it is so hard for a person of the libertarian persuasion to get elected; we are too sane. Or, it is more likely that we are not "mad" in the right way.