KentForLiberty pages

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

I Am a Radical

I am a radical. There is no sense denying it. Like most of you, though, I am not a violent radical, unless I get attacked. I think radical actions need to be taken in order to save America from government extremism.

First of all, Americans need to be educated about what freedom really is. Then they will see that government is the opposite of liberty. This is what I attempt to do every day.

Second, they need to be shown that there is always an alternative to government intervention and control. We do not need to roll over and cooperate every time some pin-head with a badge or a zombie with a title gives us an order. Think before you comply.

For years I tried to fit into the mainstream of "average Joe-American" political thought. It didn't work for me. I could see the "man behind the curtain" too clearly, and could see that he was totally without merit. So I sit here sharing my awakening with you, hoping that it will make you think; even if you don't agree with me. This is what makes me a radical.

As has been often quoted and paraphrased: "I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!"
Karl Hess for Sen. Barry Goldwater; attributed to Cicero.