KentForLiberty pages

Monday, December 31, 2007

Good-Bye 2007 - Hello 2008

Happy New Year. I hope that you survived 2007. I'm guessing that you did since you are reading this. I also hope you will survive.... no, thrive in, 2008. I hope you will assume liberty in every situation, and that your boldness in doing so will serve you well. I hope that the state will continue to crumble; maybe even collapse (bloodlessly if possible) in the coming year. I'm ready. Are you?

Do something to advance real liberty in the coming months - Beyond voting, please - Pick a liberty project in 2008. I have mine in the works.


Same-Sex Marriage and Open Borders

In this week's Libertarian Enterprise I encountered this letter. I think I have read this guy's words before . I recognize his style and his issues. (He may get an ego boost from that admission) If you go through his posts there, you will see how obsessed he is over certain concepts and terms. In particular, he likes to call us "libertine/libertarians" as if he thinks this is a clever insult.

His main "arguments" in the new letter are that the Libertarian Party (and libertarians in general) endorse same-sex marriage and open borders. He then explains how he is more in line with the Constitution Party because it simply wants the US to return to Constitutional government. That's funny. I don't remember the Constitution defining "marriage" anywhere, or giving government the authority to regulate personal love-lives. That leaves his love of "Berlin walls" as his sticking point.

Compared with the current US government's immigration policy, the Constitution does call for open borders. Where does the Constitution establish the current police-state road blocks (often many miles from any border), vehicle searches, national ID papers, etc.? All those things are necessary to enforce "secure" borders like he wants.

If freedom is important to you, you must realize that it is a two-way street. You must give the other guy the same liberty you want for yourself. How is it "libertine" of us to recognize everyone's right to live as they see fit, as long as they hurt no one else? How can you say that you have a right to live free, but your neighbor needs to be controlled? How is it good to give government control over things that are not within its authority?

Freedom is for everyone. If you wish to embrace control and tyranny, don't get angry at those of us who want liberty. If that makes us "libertines" in your myopic eyes, so be it.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Global Warming?

Interesting news on the "global warming" front: Has global warming stopped? Why haven't we been told this before?

Carnage Prevention

Any death that occurs because a gun was not present can be laid directly at the feet of the nearest government and its representatives and enforcers.

Killed by a tiger before a gun could arrive? Mugged and shot or stabbed to death in the park because your city doesn't trust you with a gun? Died in a hi-jacked aircraft or a tower it crashes into because you must disarm to fly? Why was there not a gun present to avert these tragedies?

Fear of breaking the "law" and the draconian punishments that result is why. The bad guys have already decided that the laws do not apply to them. That leaves the good guys at a disadvantage where evil "laws" are concerned. Too many of us good guys obey bad "laws", resulting in unnecessary death.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

"Killed by a Tiger"

The one question that comes to my mind is why was no one in the vicinity armed and able to stop the attack? Just kidding. We all know the answer to that one. Don't forget:"When seconds count, the police are only minutes away." If I were in a situation like the one that occurred in California, I would have probably shot the tiger to stop the attacks and prevent innocent people from being attacked. Then I would have spent the rest of my life feeling I had shot the wrong beast (if the reports of tiger-taunting are true).

I can't help but think that since we all must die, why not go out in an unusual way. I can imagine family members, years from now, whenever the man's name comes up in conversation, saying "He was killed by a tiger". I'll bet they will even steer the conversation that way so they can spring that tidbit on the listener. I would. I'm sure they will leave out certain parts of the story, though.

I have often thought of "cool deaths". I would rather die in an interesting way. And not of an "interesting" disease, either. Maybe like... killed by a meteor that only kills one person (not a planetary disaster event), or the first recorded Sasquatch attack death, or killed by a spontaneous singularity popping into existence in your head resulting in a short-lived black hole that makes your head disappear.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Disaster Preparations

As we head into winter we should make certain we are prepared for survival in bad weather or other unforseen circumstances. Check your bug-out bags and your hunker-down kits. Make sure to double-check any expiration dates. And read this collection of observations from a Katrina survivor. Remember: you can't be free if you are dead.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

The Libertarian Party and Its Candidates

I can't help feeling that I am still the best Libertarian candidate out there. I still intend to write in my own name unless Ron Paul somehow gets the Republican nomination. Then I may have a crisis. In a good way. I am sure that the other candidates are all wonderful people. I have nothing against any of them. I just can't bring myself to care which of them gets the nomination.

I don't really care about "party politics" either. Political parties are tools that can be used in ways good or bad. If a political party can help "us" reach freedom, great. If it can't then I will not waste my time trying to make it. I have signed the petition to try to get the Libertarian Party to return to a libertarian platform. I hope it does, and if it is serious about being libertarian, it will. If it only worries about being taken seriously by "the mainstream", then who cares what it does.

The time may come when I am forced to take my campaign more seriously again. Even though no one has ever "voted themselves free", I see Americans voting away their remaining freedom at an ever-increasing rate. It is alarming. The idealist in me needs to do something about it.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

In the News

Here is an interesting mention of Kent McManigal in the Seattle Times, along with a longer examination of my campaign in a reporter's blog from the same paper. I'm glad they find me amusing, but I wish they would examine my stance a little more. Oh well. If I had to choose between being a boring authoritarian who "they" take seriously, or a slightly colorful libertarian who they would not take seriously no matter what I did, I'd choose the current situation.

Cops: The Front Line in the Battle Against Freedom

Frequently, when I express my disgust at police officers, I hear that "the average street cop" is on "our side" with this or that issue. For all the good that does, even if it is true.

I don't care if "the average street cop believes in the right to bear arms", if they still disarm people when told to. I don't care if they realize the War on Some Drugs is a monumental waste of time, money, and lives, if they kick in doors looking for drugs.

There is a reason it is called a "police state". Without police to do the enforcement, the rest of government would be powerless to violate your rights. If they really are not the problem, let them stop enforcing "laws" that are wrong. Let them stand up to their bosses, and even arrest them for violating the rights of Americans.

Don't give me that balderdash of "only doing my job", or "I don't make the law, I only enforce it". Tyranny can not grow; genocide can not occur, without the brutal troops of government actually committing the acts of enforcement. That is known as a "war crime". One way or another, it must stop.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Xmas at The Liberated Space

I did a BlogTalk Radio interview with Angela Keaton of The Liberated Space. I enjoyed it and I hope that if you listen, you will enjoy it, too.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Happy, Merry, Joyous, Holidays!

Why not celebrate ALL of the winter solstice holidays? There is a reason humans decided to have holidays and feasts during the darkest time of the year: we need them, so instead of picking and choosing, just celebrate them all. And have happy ones, from me to you!!!

Proud to be a Libertarian

I don't know about you, but I am proud to be a libertarian. Whatever you think forms the foundation of libertarianism- the ZAP, the Universality Principle, or something else- libertarianism (and by extension, anarchism) is the only philosophy that recognizes that you own your own life. Every other philosophy or political position believes that you are stupid or evil or simply too incompetent to run your own life. Libertarians know that is not the case.

Some people balk at the concept of anarchism. I admit I think anarchism is just libertarianism fully expressed, and I think that minarchism is a desperate attempt to excuse the inexcusable. If you disagree I am fine with that, too. Show me a government that will never, can never, grow out of control and I will shut up. Yeah, I didn't think so....

I was thrilled to hear actual libertarian opinions being expressed by Ron Paul on CNN's "conservative" show last night. It isn't often that I hear a candidate speak and not feel like throwing a brick through the screen. I missed most of the interview, so I may have missed some stuff that would have irritated me earlier, but it was still a singular event in the history of national television for me.

I am proud to be part of the wave (a tiny molecule at most) that will eventually drive authoritarians and their institutions into the compost heap of history; remembered only as war criminals or psychotic control freaks. It would be nice if it could happen in my lifetime, but I can dream of the free lives my descendants will have because of the groundwork I have tried to help lay. Me and countless others who were not afraid to point at tyrants and call them "tyrants". It will take all of us, and we can never give up.

Sunday, December 23, 2007


If you own a mall and forbid firearms, are you responsible for massacres that occur as a result? If you are President and do not oppose torture on your watch, are you guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity? Common sense knows the answer to those questions.

Everyone has rights. Everyone has the same rights as everyone else. Each right that exists casts a shadow. That shadow is called a responsibility. Whether you choose to exercise your right or not does not change the fact that it still exists and continues to cast a shadow.

Your property is yours. You can choose to allow people to enter it or not. If you do choose to allow people onto your property you are giving up some power over that property. Just because you own property does not mean you can demand that people suspend their human rights while they "visit" you. You can not demand that people become less than fully human just because they set foot on your property. It would be like saying that if you come to my house, I am allowed to strip search you, or worse, whenever I feel like it. That would be ridiculous and wrong. Your body, and all that is contained within your clothes, is strictly none of my business even if you are in my house. Unless you choose to make it my business. Now, if you are leaking radiation or toxic fluids, those are no longer part of you and become my business. If you are not comfortable with that, you should not invite people to your property. Get a dog instead.

"Authority" is not the same as a "right". The President has the same human rights as everyone else, but he also has some authority, though not nearly as much as he may claim. That authority does not include violating the human rights of anyone. Not even enemy combatants or suspected terrorists. Not even if his minions (or puppetmasters as the case may be) think that torturing one of these people may yield vital information. Whoever violates the rights of another is a criminal and should be dealt with as such.

If someone attempts to restrict the rights of others, and calamity ensues because of it, the rights violator has gone into debt. If deaths resulted, how can that debt ever be repaid? If authority is misused and lives are ended or otherwise destroyed, how can that debt be made right again? Better be safe and not try to infringe on the rights of others. Otherwise you may rack up a debt you can't pay, and that will never be forgiven.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Rambling Thoughts on Voting and Such

It has been said that no country has ever voted itself free. I don't feel like researching that pearl of wisdom because it seems obvious to me. The big problem with voting is that the "winners" seem to think the "losers" are obligated to live under the resultant regime. That's silly. Freedom can't happen without getting rid of the monsters who seek to control and steal from the real people. Those monsters don't voluntarily go away, either.

Guess what. I do not agree to "live with" any regimes or counterfeit "laws", duly elected or not. There, I said it in writing AGAIN so no one can ever claim I consented implicitly to abide by anything that I did not explicitly agree to. Nor do I automatically expect anyone else abide by whatever nonsense "laws" are the fashion of the day. Although I usually obey reasonable traffic laws, I never assume others will. (That is why I watch other drivers and do not assume they will stop at red lights.) I do expect others to respect my rights, just as I will respect theirs.

Regardless of how the 2008 election plays out, I expect that the winner will be another tyrant wannabe. Ron Paul is as good a candidate as we will ever get from the Demopublicans and I would love to see him get the Republican nomination. As long as his policies do not violate my rights, I would follow them. If they cross the line, I will give them the same respect I would give Hillary's verbal flatus.

I am disappointed in the Libertarian candidates. Not for any good reason; just because they don't inspire me. I am so uninspired that I don't even keep up with who is still in the race and who has dropped out. I still plan to write in my own name unless the situation changes RADICALLY.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Computer Problems ......Again

My computer has crashed again so I may not be blogging as much until I can get it fixed. Now it just says "Operating System Not Found". Therefore I am on a borrowed computer which is difficult to use.

I just didn't want anyone to think I had renounced beautiful anarchism and gone slinking away.

Also, I am working diligently on my major writing project which is taking a lot of time at the moment. It's a very good thing I saved my project and emailed it to myself before the crash!


Wednesday, December 19, 2007

"Support America" to Death

If, in order to "support America", it is necessary to endorse torture (using whatever euphemism you may prefer). If "supporting America" makes it necessary to condone government spying on Americans. If supporters must look away while government violates the Constitution (which, including ALL of the Bill of Rights, just happens to be the law that the current government is absolutely required to obey). If, to "support America", I must allow the enforcement of "laws" which cause damage to society and, in many cases, cause death (such as drug "laws" and gun "laws"), then why would it be desirable to support America?

It wouldn't be desirable at all. No country that must stoop to such tyrannical behavior in order to "preserve national security" or any other government notion deserves to continue to exist. Up until the last couple of decades Americans would have known that instinctively. What happened? Why are so few people pointing it out. Why don't more people stand up and say "Enough!"?

It isn't, and never has been, necessary to support all those atrocities in order to support America. The United States IS NOT America. Don't ever let them fool you into believing it is.

What IS necessary to support AMERICA is the courage to point out that the current US government is an outlaw regime which has taken over the government ....aided by the complicity of phony, flag-waving "patriots" who were fooled into voting away liberty in exchange for "entitlements" and "safety". You know the kind: the ones who would tell Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson to go back to.... somewhere else... if they don't like the way King George treats his subjects. Only now these "patriotic Americans" tell the true Americans to "go back to Russia" if we point out that the US has become more socialistic than Stalin ever could have imagined Russia becoming. They wouldn't recognize "America" if they stumbled across it. Otherwise the 2008 election would be a contest between Ron Paul and the Libertarian Party candidate (or me), ....and the Demopublican candidates would all be in jail for treason.


Tuesday, December 18, 2007


The racist blogger banned me from commenting on his blog. That is something I have never done to anyone. He was congratulating himself for being "pro-Black and anti-racist" and I merely pointed out the absurdity of that fantasy. Unfortunately I don't have my original comment which he deleted so quickly, but it went something like this:

It is impossible to be "pro-Black and anti-racist" just as it would be
impossible to be "pro-White and anti-racist". It is people like you,
the racists, who enable such things as the attack by the teen criminals on the woman who tried
to take a seat on the bus recently. Where is your mention of

He claims I violated the posting rules. I read the rules. Nowhere did I read that the truth should not be mentioned. The truth would shatter his little world where he takes comfort in being the big protector of everyone he thinks are inferior to himself. No wonder it scares him.

Edited: I guess I did violate his policy (3.a. specifically). I said "people like you, the racists" and his rules clearly state that it is forbidden to point out that he is a hate-filled, wild-eyed racist, no matter what his own words testify to. He says his blog opposes racism and a lot of other things, "as defined by me". Isn't that clever? In other words, if he changes the definitions to fit his perverse mind-set, he can claim to be anything or nothing at all.

UPDATE 5-19-2008: I am still getting referrals from the racist's blog. Well, he is still a racist and I am still not.


Monday, December 17, 2007

The Monkey Bars

Soon after I moved to Pennsylvania, I found myself in a strange situation unlike any I had ever been in. I was staying with my new in-laws in an apartment building in the city. If you don't think that is strange and scary, you don't know me. We were in the process of buying a house in another area so everything was in limbo. There wasn't much for me to do since I knew nothing about the area and my wife was always at work.

Several times I found myself at the apartment's playground, sitting at the top of the monkey bars chatting with kids, most of whom were between 10 and 15 years old. I actually enjoyed those times a lot. Whether it was listening to them talk about the things that were important to them, or on rare occasions trying to give them adult advice, I came away with a sense of respect for them. They were much smarter and more aware than most adults give them credit for being, and in some cases, probably too aware. Some, if not most, came from family situations that were not very good. I never tried to advise them unless they really asked. You could tell that they needed to be listened to, and not talked down to.

I don't know if our perch up in the air helped or not, but I feel that my willingness to meet them on their own terms, instead of holding onto some silly adult dignity, may have opened the way for some real communication.

Seven years have passed, that marriage fell apart, I lost the house and all the money I had put into it to my ex-wife, and I have moved from state to state since then, but I still think of those kids and wonder where they are now. And I wonder why people can't sit and talk to one another so that understandings can be forged. Meet people on their own turf even if you think you will look silly. We are all more alike than different, after all.

"The Christmas Do-Over" from Blogonomicon

A nice story about how we should behave every day. Link

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Uncle Bob's Treehouse

I recently discovered another very good libertarian blog. It is called "Uncle Bob's Treehouse". I can't remember how I discovered in, but I think it was through War on Guns. I highly recommend you take a look at it.

Boston Tea Party Day

Celebrate the day when Americans first told thieving government what it could go do to itself. Join those early "hooligan libertarians" (and their associates) in spirit. Find some way to demonstrate to government that you "aim to misbehave". America was not freed the first time by politeness toward tyranny. It will not be freed this time by politeness toward tyranny, either. Which "tax" causes you the most hardship? Is there a way you can throw your own Boston tea party with friends?

I would enjoy seeing mobs of protesters in V masks burning piles of Social Security cards, drivers licenses, or any other sort of permits or tax forms on the steps of the appropriate government agencies. All these things are, after all, just ways the government steals your money (and exerts unwarranted, and illegal, control over your life).

Of course, if you insist on being nice (gag) to the tyrants, just donate money to Ron Paul's Boston Tea Party Day money bomb or the Libertarian candidate of your choice.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Bill of Rights Day

Today is Bill of Rights Day. Celebrate all your rights everyday, whether they are government-approved or not. Honor the "high shelf" which was intended to place all our rights beyond the reach of government.

Thursday, December 13, 2007


Why is it so hard for people to be nice to one another? As anarchists and/or libertarians civility is the normal state of behavior. Anything else is an aberration. Almost all of the nastiness in the world comes from people trying to impose their will on others, and sometimes, from the natural attempt to resist. The statist types look for reasons to fight amongst themselves or with us. It is their nature and shouldn't surprise us. Yet, even when they become the target, they don't see what is really happening.

What is happening is the spread of the mental illness that makes people believe that they have a say in what others do, whether it affects them directly or not. The idea that "society" owns you or is owed some debt by allowing you to exist. The idea that someone else has a say in whether you choose to carry a gun or not, what you may choose to smoke in your own home on Friday night, where your money comes from, or a myriad of other busy-body issues.

Authoritarians love this situation. The state is helping to destroy civility with "laws" and regulations. Instead of "live and let live" or "agreeing to disagree" things become the business of government. And as a business, they must feed the fires of hostility to keep themselves strong.

I resolve to always make sure any unpleasantness in my life comes only from my resistance to being controlled; not from any attempt on my part to control others. It is all I can promise.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Comment Blogging

Instead of a new blog post today, please go read the comments on Monday's blog, That is worth a day's contemplation, at least.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Is It "Paranoid" To Carry a Gun?

I have been told that to carry a gun shows paranoia. It shows that the gun bearer is looking for trouble or expecting it to erupt around every corner. "How can someone go through life fearing everything like that?"

Using that standard, anyone who takes any precaution in order to be prepared is paranoid. Or does it only apply to those who take the responsibility to defend themselves and the people around them from violence? Those who keep fire extinguishers, those who wear seat belts, those who take vitamins or preventative medications, those who have a savings account or investments are just looking for something to go wrong or else they would just sit back and think everything will be OK. Right?

Perhaps those who "bear arms" are the only ones who are not paranoid. They don't need to be. They are comfortable in the knowledge that if something should happen, however unlikely, they have the tools available to take control of the situation instead of waiting to be rescued by people who have no motivation to do any real rescuing. They can walk around with a confidence that is lacking among the fearful. They can afford to be more friendly and helpful, while those who handicap themselves must either pass some stranger in need or risk injury in order to offer help.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Criminals' Rights

How can I believe that you and I have the right to shoot and kill criminals when my assertion is that rights are absolute and no one can lose their rights for any reason? What I have said before, and still believe, is that rights are absolute, and they do not overlap (by which I mean I have no right to do anything that would violate YOUR rights). Where does that leave my contention?

Well, when someone chooses to commit a true "crime", they have initiated force, either physically or economically. I have the right to act in self defense. In order to complete my self defensive act, the person who chose to initiate force may well get injured or killed. I did not set the acts in motion so it is not my fault. I am not killing an intruder; he is killing himself by setting a train of events into motion. Gravity does not kill a "jumper"; his own act of jumping off a balcony brings a logical conclusion that will kill him unless certain precautions are taken, or unless conditions save him. Neither gravity, nor the balcony, nor the ground below should feel any guilt (if they could) for his death. The same holds true for an innocent person who kills an attacker. You did not violate his rights, he violated his own rights at the same time he violated yours. You did not seek him out; he took a risk and lost, and society is richer for the outcome.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

I Want One!

I am not usually too impressed or excited about hi-tech gadgets, but... this is the one that I would add to my wish-list if I did such things: the Kindle.

I realize the reality rarely lives up to the hype, but to me this is cooler than an iPhone, iPod, cellphone/digital camera, any games, or anything else electronic I have ever seen. And, no, this is not a hint for someone to buy me one.

Usually I have things like the ParaOrdinance Covert Black Carry on my wish list, where they stay for years and years (and where it remains to this day). This is the first time I can remember that I got the wantsies over a gadget. Maybe someday, after it is obsolete, I will get one, or something similar.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Hilarious Reporters

From years ago:

Since I recognize that airline passengers should be as well armed on the plane as off, I have a serious philosophical dislike of misguided airport "security measures". But sometimes, related matters can be hilarious.

I was once watching a news report on the fallibility of airport security. To demonstrate how bad it was, the reporter put a toy water gun in his luggage and sent it through the X-ray machine. (Obviously this was before "9/11") He then had a field-day that the screener did not recognize the "gun" on the screen. He even pointed it out on the replay. It didn't look like a gun to me, either. Maybe that was because it wasn't a gun, Sherlock! The X-ray of a toy water gun and an actual gun are absolutely nothing alike. Any clown off the street should know that, but apparently Mr. Reporterman didn't. That his editor didn't catch the blunder made it even funnier. Ahhh. Good times....

Friday, December 07, 2007

Ending Mall Shootings Safely

Here is a mind-bender that was running through my head today:

Suppose you are minding your own business at a mall and a shooter appears. What do you do? As a responsible person, you should pull out your concealed gun and quickly put an end to the danger, of course. "Gun free" zone or not. Now, what if it turns out that it was just some kind of "test" to check the security of the mall, and you just shot the actor portraying the criminal, who might very well be a cop? After reading about the government "tests" of TSA airport security (fake bombs), and reading of the fake "gunman" situation that was played out at a school a while back, it makes me think that such a thing could actually happen. So, do you shoot or do you wonder if it is a simulation? You shoot. Some things are just that important, and this is one of them.

Any person who agrees to take part in a fake attack deserves to be killed as if he were a real danger, in my opinion. Because he is a very real danger. I am sure "the law" would not agree, but that is because they would be wrong.


Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Six Minutes of Victim Disarmament

Just in case anyone still, after all these years, thinks it is a good idea to leave guns to the bad people and the badge people only: "By the time officers arrived six minutes later, the shooting was over". That is the only relevant part of the news story about Wednesday afternoon's mall shooting in Omaha. It is the only part that does not ever seem to get inside the brains of the disarmament crowd.

When a crime occurs it is too late to call anyone for help. Cops are NOT legally responsible for protecting you anyway. That fallacy has been disproved in court. YOU are the line between chaos and civilization. It is up to you and you alone. Cops are the vultures who swoop in to feed off of the carnage after it is over, at least in most cases. Most readers of this blog will already understand this at an instinctive level. The rest of society needs to begin to grasp the concept.

I expect another fund-raising email from the "Sarah Brady Mass-Murderer Fan Club" tomorrow. Maybe they will once again want a dollar (or three) for each victim of their policies. Whatever. They will be dancing in the blood one way or another. Just watch.

Open BOTH Eyes

My eyesight stinks. I have worn glasses since I was in first grade. My optometrist told me once my eyesight is somewhere around 20/1600. As bad as it is, it is much worse when I try to use only one eye. When both are being used, they correct for one another somewhat and make the picture much clearer. Maybe it is a biological analog to speckle interferometry.

With regards to the way humans see the "political" world, the world of human interaction, only libertarianism sees the whole picture clearly. Authoritarianism only sees the half they wish to see, either "left" or "right"; erroneously called "conservative" or "liberal". By using only one "eye" they get a blurry, distorted view. It leads them down the wrong path towards doom. They can't even recognize the real world because they have never seen it. That is why they can't understand libertarians and anarchists.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Should I write a Book?

I have been thinking about the possibility of writing a book. Should I? Is there a market for such? Is there a need for more "preaching to the choir" or is there a way to move beyond that to "preaching to the heathens" (the authoritarians and government sympathizers).

My idea at this point is to take the content of this blog and work it into a coherent, organized, book. Not an autobiographical book in any sense, other than documenting my philosophy. I would obviously need to write extra stuff to tie it all together as well. I have actually begun the project, just to see what the finished product looks like. I just wonder if it is worth the effort.

I have already asked a couple of people privately. If you think it would be a good thing, or not, let me know. And if any of you know any publishers who might be interested, or know any book store owners who would like to carry such a book, please send them my way.

Monday, December 03, 2007

"If You Have Nothing to Hide....."

Reading this story (by way of War on Guns) I saw this ignorant comment from someone who hid under the name "support police": "If you have nothing to hide then why are you concerned? Our underpaid police are out there risking thier (sic) lives so people can have a happy and safe country - Go back to Russia "

Even if you are guilty of no real crime, is there nothing in your life that could be used against you in any way? Do you want everyone to know all your PINs, your bank account numbers, your home address, work address, your children's names, all your medical history, anything? Do you want these state-sponsored perverts watching you use the toilet or having sex? What about the private thoughts inside your head? They may not be as private as you think they are. Could none of those be misinterpreted?

I am guilty of no real crime. Why do I care if the authoriturds spy on me? Because I do not trust those who gather the information. They are dishonest and corrupt to the core. They spy on us and yet will beat, arrest, taser, and threaten to kill anyone who returns the favor.

Look back at the ignoramus's last barb. Isn't it funny that someone who advocates and worships Soviet-style surveillance would want those who don't to "go back to Russia"? That person's pen name should have been "support tyranny". It would have been a LOT more honest!

The High Shelf

If you have ever had an unruly child come to visit, you know it is important to place the breakable nice things out of reach. Usually a high shelf becomes the temporary home for these objects. If you have an unruly child living with you, you either leave the breakables on that shelf permanently or hide them in the top of your closet.

The shelf didn't create the nice things that are upon it; it simply protects, or was intended to protect, them.

Government is a very bad destructive child. Human rights are very precious and are not to be played with. The Bill of Rights was intended as a high shelf on which to put those things that government was not to be trusted with. Being like a naughty child, some things needed to be out of its reach. The shelf was not enough.

Unfortunately, we the parents have watched as the bad child has stolen a step stool and broken everything on the shelf. If the broken "pretties" are noticed, most of the parents gently threaten a "time out"without ever following through. It hasn't worked. Now the child thinks it runs the house. Government is a particularly bad child, with super-strength ADHD, to boot. Government needs to at least have its pudgy, grubby little hand slapped til it is red.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Don't Look Back; Move Forward

My new article in The Libertarian Enterprise:

I don't really look as though I belong in the 21st century. I don't act like I belong here, either. My personal views are based on mutual respect and taking responsibility for oneself. Because of my appearance and opinions, people mistakenly believe I live in the past. I have been accused of wanting to return to "the good old days" when a person could walk down the street carrying a gun and not be noticed, except by people who wanted to "talk guns" with him. To a time when self-reliance and individuality were valued, not feared. To an era when a person's personal life was fodder for whispered gossip and raised eyebrows; not an excuse to toss the flash-bangs through his window, kick in the door, taser the survivors, and make a brutal "arrest" on the floor—beside the bloody bodies of the puppies. Read the rest

Saturday, December 01, 2007

"Property Rights" Versus "Human Rights"

A discussion with Francois Tremblay resulted from yesterday's post on "Limited Rights". He asserts that rights are limited. The basis for his argument is that property rights can be limited, bought, and sold. I agree with this assessment, but feel that property rights are in a slightly different category from other human rights. You can follow the discussion on the comments on that post. I will explain my thoughts here.

All rights are essentially "property rights" but not all property rights are "human rights". You "own" your body and your life; they are your property. These are your human rights that are absolute and non-negotiable. The other property rights, to your time and possessions, and to a lesser extent- your actions, can be bartered away, as we all do on a daily basis. Therefore, to my way of thinking, the "non-human-rights" property rights are different because they can be bought, sold, or traded.

"Actions" are not the same thing as "rights". In taking a job you are selling some of your time and the actions you will perform during that time in exchange for something else (money). You are agreeing to do certain things in exchange for money. You are not (or, at least shouldn't be) selling your body, but only renting it for a limited duration or job. If I rent something from you, you still retain limited property rights to that thing. My rental agreement does not allow me to destroy that which I rent. With your person, you can give up some property rights to your time and actions for a set amount of time, but you can not sell off your basic human rights. You do not give up your right to not be attacked or defrauded. You do not give up your right to defend yourself against these things. If your boss demands that you give up those rights you have no obligation to abide by his wishes as they violate your basic human rights and are null and void.

During the time which a particular "property right" to specific possessions belongs to you, I would still say it is absolute, but it is within your personal rights to sell off that particular possession and thereby lose any attached property rights.

In a situation where you are "selling yourself into slavery", you would no longer have any rights over that which you sold: your life. Any such attempt to sell your human rights would not hold any legitimacy in my eyes. It is similar to the problem I have accepting the nanny-state embracers and their abdication of responsibility and their acceptance of cradle-to-the-grave "care". Abdicating a right is tantamount to refusing to accept a responsibility that belongs only to you.

Friday, November 30, 2007

So...Child Abuse is Legal in MA, For Now?

I see that the lawgivers of Massachusetts want a new law to ban spanking- "For the childrenTM". It is being touted as a law against child abuse. That is odd. I would have thought a place like the socialist paradise of Massachussetts would have already had a law against abusing children. I guess they don't, though, because otherwise I am sure no one would want to add to the law pollution that already festers there, just to pass a new law prohibiting something that is already prohibited.

I don't think this is really a "spanking vs. non-spanking" issue. No one thinks kids should be abused, but does this law solve the problem, or is abuse already illegal? Who is protecting the rights of the parents to raise their children as they believe best? One size does not fit all, and some children do not respond to "time out". It has been my observation that some parents who "do not believe in spanking" can become so frustrated that they explode with rage and step over the line into abuse, including actually beating the children. But that is just a personal observation based on people I have known.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

The "Masters" Are Displeased

My recent response to Rep. (short for "reptile"?) Jewell Williams has gotten me a "visit" from "DeptHomelandSecurity" (whoever they are) on this blog, by way of War on Guns. Interesting.

"Limited Rights"

I place this in the same category as "sorta pregnant". I was reading an editorial in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette (thanks to War on Guns) where I found this "gem":

NOW THE court has agreed to open another Pandora’s Box.
Never mind that for
decades now the question of the Second Amendment’s root meaning has been left
open while a consensus gradually formed, namely that the individual’s right to bear arms does not mean the government
cannot regulate that right for good reasons
(emphasis mine - KM)
. To
quote a balanced appellate decision back in 2001 out of the Fifth Circuit (U. S.
v. Emerson ), the “Second Amendment does protect
individual rights [but ] that does not mean that those rights may never be
subject to any limited, narrowly tailored specific expectations....”

(emphasis mine - KM) This decision upheld an act of Congress denying
the right to buy or carry a gun to someone who was under a protective court
order for good reason. In that case, the defendant had threatened his estranged
The decision in Emerson made good sense—and good constitutional law. The right to bear arms may belong to the individual, but
that doesn’t mean it’s an absolute right that trumps society’s interest in
saving life and preserving the peace.
(emphasis mine,
again - KM)

Some people and most judges just don't get it. All rights are, by definition, absolute. A right limited is a right violated. No government has the authority to limit a right; otherwise it would not be a right but only a privilege. "Privilege" is the polar opposite of "Right", since privileges are granted by masters to slaves or by parents to children, whereas rights come from within. A privilege can be granted, revoked, or limited, but a right can only be respected or violated.

"Society" has no interests that justify violating rights because "society" in this case is just a weasel-word for a multiplicity of individuals. The rights of the individual always trump the "interests of society", or else rights are completely meaningless. Each individual has an interest in saving his or her own life and preserving his or her own peace. That "interest" does not fall to anyone else, especially not some nebulous "society". The best and most effective way for the individual to save lives and protect the peace is for that individual to exercise the absolute right to keep (own) and bear (carry) arms (guns, knives, swords).

The absolute human right to own and to carry weaponry does not mean you have a right to use that firearm (or anything else) to violate the rights of anyone else by shooting, or threatening them when they are doing you no harm.

Why is that so difficult for some people to understand? I'll tell you why: because it is not in the interests of their seized power or their victimhood to understand it.

Liberty Dollar Newsletter/Update

I got this update from Liberty Dollar:

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Dear Liberty Dollar Supporters,

Usually at this time of the month, it is the deadline for the Liberty Dollar News, our monthly newsletter that has chronicled the Liberty Dollar for over nine years.
Of course all that came to a screeching halt when the g-boys raided the Liberty Dollar just two weeks ago on Wednesday, November 14. 2007.
So now I am running from the government, afraid for my life and trying to figure out what the hell to do next! Right? Wrong! Nothing could be further from reality. Please read these quick bulleted (no pun) items for a quick review of the latest developments:

IMPORTANT: If you have not received your order and you paid for it with a bank card, please call your bank immediately, cancel the transaction, reversing the transaction and GET YOUR MONEY BACK. Don’t let the government steal your money!

  • 1. First I am not running “from” the g-boys. It is just the opposite. I am running “to” the government. I see the current situation as an ideal opportunity to validate the Liberty Dollar. Otherwise they will have to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am guilty and the Liberty Dollar is the scourge of the country. Luckily, my favorite FBI Agent “Andy” just called me yesterday... on my private cell phone. Well the cell phone is suppose to be “private” as most people don’t know the phone number. So I complimented Andy on his resourcefulness and he responded that he was the “FBI”. Now that impressed me and gave me a good secure feeling... because if the FBI could not find my cell phone number, we would really be hurting. In any case, Andy and I had a very “friendly” discussion for about 10-15 minutes. Seems that he wants to “talk” to me. I took that to mean that he wants to arrest me. So I asked about that and sure enough... a Grand Jury, indictment and arrest seems to be a given at this time.
    Later in our discussions, when Andy was forth coming with other info, I complimented him on his “friendliness”. To that Andy told me that he (that’s the gov) would be as “friendly” as I was. Well, what is a poor boy to do, especially one in hot water with the feds... but be friendly. So trust me, I intend to be very “friendly”. Seriously, I told my favorite FBI Agent Andy (who I am sure is reading this and can reply if he is so moved...) that I took the government’s raid “very seriously.” To which Andy replied, “And well you should... because the government takes it very seriously too.”
    So there you have it, my second call with my very Special Agent Andy. For the record, I spoke briefly to Andy shortly after he and his gang invaded the peaceful Liberty Dollar offices and raided it of everything. And as required, we received an inventory of the all confiscated material. Unfortunately, it was not as detailed as really required... simply stating 500 pounds of silver, without regard to year, weight, denomination or design was way too sloppy for this detailed pone arrestee-in-waiting.
    Again, I am running “to” the government to absolve the Liberty Dollar as a legal, private, voluntary, barter currency as soon as possible. I want to get your property back ASAP. Please note this complete post for more important info on how you can help us get your property back.

  • 2. Our first mission is to get your confiscated property back. Please don’t call it stolen... yet. It will only be “stolen” if we lose this case. And God help us all if the Liberty Dollar is found guilty. So please take two actions: First sign up for the Class Action Lawsuit and encourage other people to do so. We need thousands and thousands of people demanding the return of their “stolen property”. Second, we are launching a Legal Defense Fund to defend your right to use Gold and Silver any way you chose. It would be a very dangerous first step if the government started limiting the way you can use your own gold and silver. Please don’t let this happen! Please donate $10 or more to this very serious movement.
    Currently we cannot accept donation via a bank card... but we can accept checks, money orders and cash. It is OK to mail your donation to the same old address: Liberty Dollar. 225 N. Stockwell Road. Evansville. Indiana. 47715. Every single dollar, FRN or Liberty Dollar is greatly appreciated.
    Stay tune for more exciting ways to donate as we ramp to drive this out of control government back to reality. We can do it... and we need your help.

  • 3. Now lets get serious. Did you read the 35 page Affidavit filed by Agent Andy to show ‘probable cause’ for the issuance of the Search Warrant? If not please go to: and read it! Read it very thoroughly. And while you do... ask yourself, “Where’s the crime?” Where is the crime?!!! Usually in such an Affidavit there is all sorts of names, dates, offences, and other info. None of that is in this Affidavit! It seems that I am guilty of selling a t-shirt to Karen, our favorite kinda-undercover agent who was well known from the get-go. Where is the crime? And the idea we were “laundering money” is almost a joke... if it was not such a serious matter. Trust me, this is a serious matter and is being taken most seriously.

  • 4. Equally serious, is your fear that some good natured, smiling, Agent Andy is going to raid your home and confiscate your Liberty Dollars. I know paranoia is rabid. And many of you have good cause to be alarmed. The government’s assault on our liberties and property has been way over the top. And many of us have lost property in the past. But this should only toughen our resolve for this case. But please don’t fear a raid on your place or home. There is no way the government has the resources to mount such an attack with $20 million Liberty Dollars in hundreds of thousand of hands all over our great country. Take precautions, diversify your holdings is prudent for everyone.
    While it is not the time to relax and be happy, paranoia is no friend. Good communication is our best companion. So if you hear of some related action, please report it to me directly and stay focused so we can get all our property back.

  • 5. Towards resolving this testy matter, we are interviewing federal criminal attorneys and hope to secure good, dedicated, successful counsel asap. As I mentioned to Agent Andy, I wouldn’t want to meet him without counsel.

  • 6. I was encouraged when Agent Andy told me that he would call me when he knew the schedule so I could “turn myself in”. I thought that was real “friendly” and thanked Andy, as I am obviously not hiding out and prefer that this matter be handled in a gentlemanly way. I just hope the arrest does not interfere with my other commitments. I will be in Evansville on Thursday, attorneys in DC, family for the holidays and please join me for a rare performance as the keynote speaker at the Liberty Forum in Nashua NH on Friday, January 4. Please consider coming to the Liberty Forum... just mention Liberty Dollar and get 10% off. Trust me this is going to be wild... just a couple of days before the big Presidential Primary!!! Come to New Hampshire. Even Agent Andy is welcome. But lets find a convenient time for the arrest...OK?

  • 7. Surprise!!! Speaking of commitments. I will be in Evansville this Thursday, November 29! Open to all. Pot Luck at 6:00. Meeting at 7:00 and out for a beer at 9:00. Everyone is welcome. Please join me at the Liberty Dollar office: 225 N. Stockwell Road Evansville Indiana. 47715. Plenty of free parking. Just off the Lloyd Expressway. Just ask Agent Andy he found us. But I don’t’ think he will be there on Thursday.... but then again... maybe Andy can come out and play... and he might be there

  • 8. Plus... if you did not catch my interview with Glenn Beck on CNN or with Larry Kudlow on CNBC... please visit Who would have thought that the raid would generate national news... let alone two shows on the same night and at the same time! The little Liberty Dollar just amazes me.

  • 9. While doing the two national shows was good fun, it was not all the coverage. In fact, there are dozens of newspaper articles. The most amazing coverage came from a most amazing source, The Washington Post. Not only did the Post cover the raid, it was featured on the Front Page, plus it included a image of the Ron Paul Dollar! And if all that was not enough, the article was quite large and REALLY GOOD. It all started when Jan Salsbery, one of many fiery RCOs in California, referred Alec MacGillis, a reporter with the Washington Post to call me. As usual, Alex sounded like a very bright, very young reporter. And as I explained with a certain amount of contempt, you might write a good (truthful) article, but it will be sausage when the editors get done. But very late Friday night Alec called me and said the “editors” liked the story and was going to give it “some space.” Well who would have thought ... Front Page for the Liberty Dollar and Ron Paul?! Now who could image that he will be our next President... I for one! And hope you agree! Our country really needs Ron Paul. As the silver Ron Paul Dollar states: VOTE FOR TRUTH.
    PS: To Alec’s credit, he followed up with a call on Monday, and subsequently wrote an additional outstanding article:

  • 10. The local television and newspaper also provided very good coverage. It is amazing how many people are interested in the Raid on the little Liberty Dollar and the confiscation of two tons of Ron Paul Dollars. Of course your support is critical to our success. BIG Thanks for all you have done!

  • 11. And finally have you seen the prices of the Ron Paul Gold, Silver and Coppers Dollars. One day the copper is a buck and the next day $65 or more on eBay! Silver is in the $250 to $450 range! Just crazy! And that is not even for the special numbered or hallmarked editions. Are you hip to the Hallmarked Ron Paul Silver Dollars? The Hallmark features a micro scroll with BOR denoting Ron’s respect for the Bill of Rights.
    Quite simply, there is a lot to be thankful for. When we started the Liberty Dollar we did not get an instruction manual. We did not know how the Liberty Dollar was going to save the country from a monetary crisis. But we vowed not to let our great country falter without trying. We all, even Agent Andy, have a civic duty to our country. We are commanded by the Declaration of Independence: We hold these truths to be self-evident... That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. We shall not let this country fail to live up to the ideals upon which it was founded by our Founding Fathers. Let us each vow that our country will not falter on my watch!

Now as I face eminent threat of arrest and possibly many years in prison, you have my sincere thanks for supporting the Liberty Dollar that exemplifies those very ideals. Our Founding Fathers fought and died for them, we shall do nothing less.
Remember it is only by banding together and adopting a free and independent currency that provides us with “just weights and measures” will we be able to throw off the yoke of a manipulated monetary/tax system and generate a peaceful and prosperous society.

Change the money / Change the country / Change the world. Do it now!

Bernard von NotHaus

Monetary Architect/Editor

November 27, 2007

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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

"Time's Up Flag" Auction

If you have wanted a "Time's Up" flag, but couldn't afford the price, this is your chance. Just this once* I am auctioning one on eBay. No reserve price.

*Well, that is the plan for now, anyway.


"Government" Doesn't Equal "Society"

Why is it that many government sympathizers think libertarians and anarchists "have it in for" society? I think it is because they are incapable of differentiating between the two things. Or maybe they can, but don't want to. It doesn't serve their purpose of worrying the sheep. Government is not the same thing as society. Government needs society in order to exist, but society does not need government. Government is a symptom of a failed or failing society. When society can not keep government at bay, when it becomes to sick to do so, government metastasizes in it. Let's get our society healthy again.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Not All Viewpoints Are Valid

It makes me sick when some elitist authoriturd tells me that "surely we will differ on opinions and policies" as if my viewpoint and his are on equal footing; are equally valid in the realm of ideas. I realize he is just pandering to me even then. He really thinks I am a clueless hick regarding his "grown-up" world of backroom deals with shady characters and his compromises with immeasurable evil. "Because that is how the world really works." Just because he is an elected official dwelling in a big city (and therefore insulated from reality in many cases) he feels that he is above this Yahoo from the sticks. Sorry, it won't wash, Mr. Authoritarian. You do not know what is best for me, or for anyone else except, possibly, yourself. Stop behaving as though you do.

Theft-by-government is not a valid position. Victim disarmament is not a valid position. Redistribution of wealth and property for the "common good" is not a valid activity. Thinking it is acceptable to push your socialistic agenda on everyone else against their will because you think you are superior is not a valid viewpoint.

Liberty is the standard against which viewpoints are measured. Respecting and honoring the absolute human rights of every single human alive is the valid position. Understand the difference?

Monday, November 26, 2007

This "Yahoo" Responds to an Elitist

After reading this post on War on Guns, I wrote to the "representative" in question. I told him that as one of the "yahoos" he hated so much, I thought he should get a real job.

Here is the response I got from his office:

Good Afternoon Kent:

I am sorry that you were offended by the
“yahoo” comment; it actually referred to persons who shouted “yahoo” after
common sense gun legislation was defeated within the judiciary committee.
We are a Commonwealth state and surely we will differ on opinions and

I am a strong supporter of the right to bear arms.
As a former police officer and chief within the Philadelphia County Sherriff’s
office, we need such legislation to protect the lives of law enforcement
officers across this state and the lives of Pennsylvanians like

Thank you for sharing your views.

Jewell Williams

Not content to leave well enough alone, I replied:

I am more offended by the elitist mindset you have demonstrated by pushing
these slavery-enhancing "laws", than by your name-calling. The only
"common sense" gun legislation necessary or desirable is to honor the highest
law of the land: The Constitution, as it is written, not as socialists would
prefer to reinterpret it. The Second Amendment protects from
government infringement two separate rights "of the people" (look up
"infringe" if you have difficulty with the word): the right to form a militia,
("well regulated" meant "well practiced" at the time it was written, not
"government controlled" as you would prefer to think), and the right to own and
to carry any type of weapon they desired, wherever they went, in any manner they
saw fit, without asking anyone's permission, ever. If you do not abide by
this, you are not even a weak "supporter" of the right to keep and bear arms,
but a believer in the limited privilege to keep and bear arms at the whim of the
government. Victim disarmament ("gun control" to you) has failed everywhere
and every time it has been tried, IF the goal is to reduce crime. If the
goal is to reduce the population to a state of slavery and fear, then it is
effective. Philadelphia has the most draconian gun "laws" in the state;
shouldn't it therefore have the least crime if victim disarmament prevents
crime? Police would not need laws "for their protection" if they were not
on the streets and in the neighborhoods violating the rights of peaceful people
by enforcing counterfeit "laws" (laws that have no real individual
victim). If they were acting honorably they would be rallied behind and
protected by the people all around them. Sadly, this is no longer the case
in America, and will not be again unless the absolute rights of the people are
once again respected by those in government and their enforcers.

I guess I will wait to have my door kicked in now.

Willful Mischaracterizations of Libertarians

I was looking back over my past blog entries and got to thinking about the racist blogger from a few weeks ago. You know, the one so consumed with hatred and racism that he myopically pointed an accusing finger at libertarians as the villainous racists in his fantasy world. I read his incoherent blog entry again where he goes into a detailed description of what (he "thinks") is a typical libertarian.

Dissecting it, I see he claims that "Libertarianism is heavily made up of of healthy young men in the 20's and 30's making very good incomes." Hmmm. OK, I may be relatively healthy, but I am not in that age bracket, and I am not making even a passable income.

OK, on to his next lie: "A few older guys and married men are into it, and they are usually making very good incomes too." I am not married, though I am in a relationship (still not making a good income).

Next: "There are not many libertarian women, because the life of woman is vulnerable, as she is the bearer and raiser of the very "weak" people, in this case children, so despised by libertarians. And woman is weak herself, as biology and cultures the world over inform us." Wow, is there anyone this guy doesn't hate? Why does he keep projecting his opinions on others? Some of the libertarians I admire the most are women. But he probably hasn't ever heard of Claire Wolfe, Sunni Maravillosa, Liz Michael, "ElfNinosMom", Kirsten, Taran Jordan, Loretta Nall, and a bunch of others. He hasn't heard of them because it might upset his delicate sensibilities to find out he is dead wrong yet again. I am constantly awed by women, and I never thought of children as "weak". Women take on responsibilities that I don't think I could bear, and children have been strong enough to learn, survive, thrive, and keep this species going for millions of years, even with imperfect parenting.

Moving right along: "The number of poor, low income or working class libertarians is not large." I fit into this category, but feel in no way "less-than" or whatever he thinks I should feel. I think I am a very typical, if somewhat more vocal, libertarian.

His final insult is: "As these libertarian and far-right men age, many shed off some of their extreme conservatism or libertarianism, as entropy inevitably attacks their mortal coils. In particular, they often endorse more socialist health systems. A tiresome saying says, "Any man at age 20 who is not a socialist lacks a heart, and any man at age 40 who is still a socialist lacks a brain." Well, wages of time being what they are, I've noticed that older conservative guys sort of move back into that age-20 thing as they grey and hobble. Past 65, you are one of the "weak" that the libertarians hate so much, and most smart American conservatives figure this out." I guess he means that when the brain cells die off, old men become reborn socialists who want welfare? Socialism, being a form of authoritarianism, does not have a "heart". Neither does its mirror-twin, conservatism. No system based on theft does, unless it is the heart of a thief. Old people are seldom "weak". Their bodies may be battered by the ravages of time, but their spirits are often stronger than that of people a quarter of their age. I have known old people who would happily punch him in his smug, racist, sexist nose for saying such things. But elderly libertarians will not initiate force. Not that I would blame them too much if they did in this case. The only thing I "hate so much" is when government, posing as a "provider and protector" steals the future away from these people, replacing it with a welfare check. Where is the dignity in that?

I guess I shouldn't let this get to me. After all, it isn't the first time I have read mischaracterizations of this sort. It just seems like someone who advertises himself as a "journalist" should try a little harder to look into things he is trying to denigrate. I guess that is too hard for him.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Government is A Virus. Cure the Infection

My recent computer virus experience has triggered a connection in my mind. The similarities between government and an "anti-spyware" computer virus are staggering. Both sneak in to your life, corrupt it, and take over. They infiltrate every place they can; change your homepage, background, favorites, desktop shortcuts, .... whatever is most destructive. They lock up the whole system, keeping you from accomplishing what you need to do. They present themselves to you as the "solution" for the mess they caused. I have read somewhere that "government is a disease masquerading as its own cure".

I'm sure the virus is still present in this computer, but it seems to be disabled...for now. I ran antivirus programs. I searched for every file that might be associated with it and deleted them. Finally, in desperation, I restored my computer to an earlier date; just like "we the people" need to do to America. It worked.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

The Drone Factories

Have you noticed all the technical school ads seem to be steering people towards a career with government in some capacity? Are there not enough good jobs being provided in the private sector? Is it because of government intrusion into the formerly free market? Will there be no end until everyone is employed by government or one of its hideous appendages such as Blackwater?

If that is the case, we libertarians need to step up to the challenge. It is unfortunate but true that paychecks buy loyalty. We need to work harder on creating new opportunities. Trades, careers, and meaningful work for ourselves, our families, and our friends. When someone we know takes a job with government, we have failed. That person has been assimilated into the Borg collective. While it is possible they may become an asset to the freedom movement, through information gathering or through monkeywrenching, it is more probable that they will be absorbed and brainwashed into thinking that government is a necessary thing. They may even adopt the bizarre notion that government is good.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Victim Disarmament and The Supreme Court(jesters)

The Supreme Court has finally decided to look at a case that could allow them to decide if they think the Second Amendment means what we all know it means, or to demonstrate clearly that they are traitors to America who will weasel-word away the last legalistic protections from tyranny.

First of all, I think they will declare that the Second Amendment guarantees an "individual right", but that "right" doesn't mean anything beyond a privilege that governments can restrict in any way they want. In other words, the opposite of what "right" really means.

Second of all, I will never pretend to imagine that my RIGHT to do anything comes from these black-robed clowns or their co-conspirators in other branches of government. The Bill of Rights does not "give" anyone any right whatsoever. It prohibits government from trying to infringe on the rights mentioned as well as the rights left unlisted. If the entire Bill of Rights were abolished tomorrow, it would still not take away the right to own and to carry any weapon you desire, anywhere you go, openly or concealed. Rights exist within me simply because I am human. Governments can choose to recognize that fact or they can become criminal tyrannies. Any government that attempts to restrict, license, regulate, ration, infringe, redefine, ignore, prohibit, or otherwise control even the most insignificant right has lost all legitimacy and no longer has any moral authority over anyone.

Third of all, if you have never watched this video from Penn & Teller, and you aren't easily offended by their extremely "colorful metaphors", watch this: Penn & Teller's BS - Gun Control.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Pilgrims, Freedom, and You

According to the commonly taught version of the thanksgiving story, the pilgrims came here to find freedom to practice their own wacky and unpopular brand of religion. When they didn't all die (from their failed experiment in collectivism - shhhh -don't tell Hitlary, Obama, or Rudy) they were thankful.
At this point in history, we no longer have the option of sailing for a freer shore. Until we can leave our planetary cradle we must rip our freedom from the grasp of the tyrants and enforcers who surround us. Be thankful for everything life offers, but don't sit back and think the job is done.
Be someone that your descendants can look back on with gratitude. Someone they can say actually did something to make their present a freer world, instead of the 21st (or 22nd or beyond) century super-police-state that was well on the way to forming. Be the "pilgrims" of their future myths and tales.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Feeling Lazy... So Here's A Link

In my quest to provide you with good reading material almost every day, I present you with a link to Stefan Molyneux's Handout for Statists because I was too lazy to write anything today. Plus, it is really good! Enjoy.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

"A Survival Situation" by Kent McManigal

People of our stripe, the libertarians and the anarchists, need to face reality: we are now in a survival situation. Just as surely as if an asteroid strike or pandemic were destroying civilization, government is doing so today. The authoritarians' gloves are off; why are you still wearing yours? Survival strategies need to be learned and implemented now while you still have a choice. Read the rest at Strike the Root

"Scumbag Terrorist Appeaser"

I saw a comment on an authoritarian blog that referred to Ron Paul as a "scumbag terrorist appeaser". Is that the ultimate twisting of the truth, or what? Think about it: the current President, who gives the terrorists exactly what they want (restricted freedom in America for everyone, attacks on innocent countries to give the terrorsits' cause more legitimacy, etc.) is "patriotic", yet the candidate who calls a spade a spade (acknowledges that foreign meddling has consequenses and knows that there is no "suspension" of rights) is "appeasing" terrorists. Can I roll my eyes now? I'd hate to see what they'd think of me!

Monday, November 19, 2007

New Content at KentForLiberty

I have added a lot of content to recently, including a page on bug-out bags and hunker-down kits. If you have not visited the site in a while, do so today!

They Know.... And We Know They Know!

I have a strong feeling that the authoritarians actually know how to solve all the problems they feed off of. They simply pretend to not know what to do so they can keep debating one another and hiding the truth by ignoring it. The reason they refuse to implement the solution is that it would drain away all their power.

The solution is to end the failed experiment of government. End the destructive social engineering and market manipulation. Victim disarmament ("gun control") fuels crime. If you ever doubt that fact, look at the American cities with the most draconian laws against guns and see if they are the most peaceful or the most deadly. Allow people to defend themselves with effective weapons again and get the courts to actually side with them and see what happens. Welfare prolongs poverty. Give people their dignity once again, stop subsidizing poor choices, and watch where it leads. This would also solve the "illegal" immigrant problem as there would be no motivation for people who do not wish to work to sneak into America anymore. Any other "solution" is nonsense and a lie. End the inhuman War on Some Drugs and stop killing families and stomping human rights (and puppies). Help real addicts, don't jail them. Stop stealing our money through "taxation" to fund wars, welfare and other demographically distributed "entitlement bribes", militarized enforcers, criminal government agencies, and the royal lifestyles of the congresscritters. Foreign interference makes enemies and breeds terrorism. Stop government from meddling in the affairs of other nations, while at the same time allow a truly free market at home and abroad. Such a strategy would defuse the motives for destruction and foster an environment of cooperation. Inflation could be a thing of the past if only people would return to using real money instead of government IOUs. Of course, last week's illegal federal raid on Liberty Dollar proves that the US government has no desire to allow that.

The real trick is that all these things must be done simultaneously in order to work most effectively. Piecemeal liberty will take longer to work. If you notice, most of these solutions will interlock and support one another. They will also all take power away from the US federal tyrants and their state and local minions. For this reason, you will never hear the "mainstream" candidates for any office advocating any of these things. Power is more important than solutions to them. That automatically disqualifies them from any position of authority.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

A Nice Francois Tremblay Article

I read this on Francois's blog today and was very impressed. I think it is a good refutation to the common "argument".

Is Market Anarchy a form of misguided idealism?

18 November, 2007

Market Anarchy fails to convince many people, even when they acknowledge that it is a valid position, and that its arguments are superior to those of statism. The failure stems, as far as I can see, from the belief that Market Anarchy, even if right, is a form of misguided idealism, and that it’s “nice in theory” but “unworkable in practice.” Read the rest

National Ammo Day

Tomorrow is National Ammo Day! You know you need some, since there is no such thing as "too much ammo". Without adequate ammunition, guns are just pretty paperweights. If you happen to live in one of those places where self defense and its tools are criminalized, spread the word anyway. For those of us in other places, check your supplies and stock up on the types you may be low on. And one other thing: Buy some extra in my stead since I am broke!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Reasons I Should Be President

I still think I would be the best choice for President. I was comparing myself to the other candidates out there to see how I stack up. Some of the things that come to mind are:

  • Unlike at least one of the Demopublicans, I haven't seen a UFO- but I'd like to. The reptilian alien overlords endorse anyone BUT me.
  • I was never married to a President, so I don't have any connections with the DC underworld (Hades?).
  • I don't feel any need to prove my manhood by invading any foreign countries, posing on aircraft carriers, or declaring martial law.
  • I am not threatened by people using real money as a medium of trade, so I would encourage prosecution of thieves who steal the gold, silver, and copper of honest companies and their customers.
  • I have never been a TV star. Although....... If Firefly comes back I want a recurring role. And NOT as a disgusting fed!
  • Apparently I am in the rather lonely position of actually understanding the intent of the Bill of Rights. Along with Ron Paul, that is.
  • I have no experience, so I am not easily convinced with "But that is how it has always been done".
  • I don't converse with the dead (or expect an answer).
  • I would be a cheap President since I would not accept the government paycheck, nor the government housing. Plus, I have friends who would serve as my "secret service", so the ones on the government dole could go find an honest job.
  • Are foreign terrorists foolhardy enough to throw away their lives among a fully armed population? I doubt it. What about the domestic terroists who live and "work" in their cells in America? They are frantic to disarm us, so they must be afraid, too.
  • Last but not least: wouldn't you really like to see what would happen if there was a President who really believed in individual liberty? Aren't you curious how it would play out?

Friday, November 16, 2007

Update on Government Assault on Liberty Dollar

Here is the latest news from Liberty Dollar's Bernard von NotHaus:

Friday, November 16, 2007: Make no mistake, the FBI and Secret Service raid on the Liberty Dollar at 8:00 AM on Wednesday, was a direct assault against the US onstitution and your right to own and use gold and silver in any way you chose.
I personally spoke to FBI agent Andrew Romagnuolo shortly after he and his gang invaded the peaceful home of the Liberty Dollar. He told me that the raid was related to the US Mint's warning and the beginning of a criminal investigation. This is the first battle of a long war that I intend to win!Please note the Search Warrant, Seizure Warrant and Agent info is now posted. Click HERE for that info. If that link does not work the URL is:
Also posted is the correspondence between US Senator Bill Nelson of Florida and Edmond C Moy, Director of the US Mint. Of particular interest is Moy's statement that the! paper Certificates are not covered by the Title 18, Section 486 and hence legal. So there was no need to raid Sunshine Mint and confiscate all the gold and silver that backs the paper and digital currencies. No need, unless the government knew their 486 case didn't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning and needed to expand their case into the never-never land of mail fraud, wire fraud and money laundering as mentioned in the Seizure Warrant. I anticipate being arrested on any one or all of these charges.
But I see my arrest and trial as a golden opportunity to win and return our great country to a value based currency. I sincerely believe that the right creative marketer could orchestrate an effective counter attack and win big. I believe the Liberty Dollar will win and become one of the great institutions in America. I have devoted the past ten year to the Liberty Dollar and am willing to risk a few years in federal prison to vindicate it. Winni! ng is certainly possible, even probable with your help. Wi! nning wi ll require good, dedicated legal support and your support. First, if you are angry and resent the government's assault on your right to own and use gold as you please then call the agents and express your displeasure of their actions in a polite way. Don't kill the messenger, just tell them they are wrong. Add your voice to this movement.
Second: If you are owed an order and want to get your money back or have paper certificates or digital Liberty Dollars, I urge you to demand redemption or the return of your money by joining the Class Action Lawsuit. Your participation is absolutely critical. If you don't join the CAL you will not get your money back. Please click HERE to sign up for the Class Action Lawsuit. If that link does not work, the URL is: Third: A Legal Defense Fund will be established very soon. Its purpose is to win the cr! iminal case and get your money back. It will take money to make it successful. So your contribution is also critical. Please don't let the government steal your money.
So if you have an existing order, want to redeem your paper Certificates or digital Liberty Dollars, please join the fight to defend our right to own and use gold as you so chose and sign up for the Class Action Lawsuit. This is the only way you will get your stolen property back. If you have no standing and want to finally get involved, no problem. There is still $20 million Liberty Dollars in circulation. Simply get some paper Liberty Dollars and sign up for the Class Action Lawsuit. There is still time for all the thick-headed Lewrockwellites, Markskousenites, Dougcaseyites and Agoraites to pull your head out and get 'right' on this important issue.
I regret to inform you that the Liberty Dollar office is now closed. The government boys took everything except for t! he desks and chairs. We have no stock, no records, no money. I! can' ;t even change the phone message because they took the phone manuals. Nor can I answer the thousands of email and calls from a national organization that now numbers into the hundreds of thousands. I am the last man standing. I need your help.Thank you for your many offers of help. Now is the time for us to help our selves and our great country as it faces the greatest monetary challenge since the Revolutionary War. Buying gold and silver is good for you, but it will not solve our country's problems.
Government requires participation. The problems we have today are because our parents did not participate. Please keep using the Liberty Dollar. Keep the ideals and benefits of real money alive. Gold and silver is going to be very rewarding as the US dollar disintegrates. Please join the Class Action Lawsuit and give something to the Legal Defense Fund when it is established. But you don't have to wait. Donations can be sent to the old address as the ma! il is now being forwarded. Of course we will still accept Liberty Dollars, but unfortunately due to the current situation, the attorneys require those dreaded depreciating US dollars.
Please make your check or money order out to me as there is no other bank account and mail it to: Liberty Dollar, 225 N. Stockwell Road. Evansville. Indiana. 47715.Now is the time to band together and support our fight for value based currency as never before. Now is the time to throw off the yoke of a manipulated monetary/tax system and generate a peaceful and prosperous society.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for your offer of help, prayers and support. The Liberty Dollar and our great country sincerely needs your support. God bless you and our great country!

Bernard von NotHaus
Monetary Architect
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Hot Enough For Ya?

The saying goes that if you drop a frog into boiling water it will jump out, but put it into nice cool water and turn up the heat a little at a time and you can boil the frog without it panicking. I have never tried this, but given my experience around frogs, I think it is probably true.

The moral to that story is that if you took a free person and dropped him directly into Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia at their height, the person, unless he is utterly without a moral compass, will pick up a gun and start shooting the enforcers; but take away freedom a little at a time, like the US government did, and most formerly free people will go along happily, completely oblivious to their deteriorating liberties.

The raid on Liberty Dollar headquarters and the theft of all their business assets, including all the "Ron Paul Dollars" (suspicious? Hmmmmm....), should be a clear sign that the US government is no longer a legitimate "authority" to be honored or followed, but a gang of out-of-control enforcers crushing liberty under their jackboot heels.

Different branches of the US government have admitted time and again that the Liberty Dollar is "legal". Yet, they were still trying to shut them down. Why? There is a court case being decided, althought the US government has done all it can to obstruct justice in the case. Just read the series of events. A legitimate government does not act like that. A tyranny does.

Government Terrorism Against Liberty Dollar

I don't know how many of you are aware of or support the American Liberty Dollar, but the criminal US government is scared of them. Here is the news detailing an act of terrorism and monumental theft by the federal government against the Liberty Dollar headquarters (and by extention, against YOU):

Dear Liberty Dollar Supporters:
I sincerely regret to inform you that about 8:00 this morning a dozen FBI and Secret Service agents raided the Liberty Dollar office in Evansville.
For approximately six hours they took all the gold, all the silver, all the platinum and almost two tons of Ron Paul Dollars that where just delivered last Friday. They also took all the files, all the computers and froze our bank accounts.
We have no money. We have no products. We have no records to even know what was ordered or what you are owed. We have nothing but the will to push forward and overcome this massive assault on our liberty and our right to have real money as defined by the US Constitution. We should not to be defrauded by the fake government money.
But to make matters worse, all the gold and silver that backs up the paper certificates and digital currency held in the vault at Sunshine Mint has also been confiscated. Even the dies for mint the Gold and Silver Libertys have been taken.
This in spite of the fact that Edmond C. Moy, the Director of the Mint, acknowledged in a letter to a US Senator that the paper certificates did not violate Section 486 and were not illegal. But the FBI and Services took all the paper currency too.
The possibility of such action was the reason the Liberty Dollar was designed so that the vast majority of the money was in specie form and in the people’s hands. Of the $20 million Liberty Dollars, only about a million is in paper or digital form.
I regret that if you are due an order. It may be some time until it will be filled... if ever... it now all depends on our actions.
Everyone who has an unfulfilled order or has digital or paper currency should band together for a class action suit and demand redemption. We cannot allow the government to steal our money! Please don’t let this happen!!! Many of you read the articles quoting the government and Federal Reserve officials that the Liberty Dollar was legal. You did nothing wrong. You are legally entitled to your property. Let us use this terrible act to band together and further our goal – to return America to a value based currency.
Please forward this important Alert... so everyone who possess or use the Liberty Dollar is aware of the situation.
Please click HERE to sign up for the class action lawsuit and get your property back!
If the above link does not work you can access the page by copying the following into your web browser.
Thanks again for your support at this darkest time as the damn government and their dollar sinks to a new low.

Bernard von NotHaus
Monetary Architect

Monday, November 12, 2007

Choosing a President

It is time to ditch voting as a method for choosing a President. It doesn't work very well. Look where it keeps getting "us". I suggest taking a cue from popular culture and doing a "Survivor"-style contest; without the TV cameras and the "voting-off" wimpiness.

In my scenario the site would be chosen; a tropical island or a remote Rocky Mountain wilderness area, for example. An airplane loaded with normal traveller artifacts ... and maybe a few dead pigs to stand in for bodies ... would be slammed into the ground by remote control and then all the candidates, including me, would be dropped off immediately to see who can survive the situation. I'd even do it without a gun, to make it realistic, as if we had gone through the TSA "grope and probe gauntlet" before takeoff. If the plane is on fire, the survivors had better see what they can salvage from the burning wreckage quickly. I'd even forgo the crash injuries just to take that factor out of the equation.

I would gladly form an alliance with Ron Paul against the authoritarians. I would encourage cannibalism among the others, but there isn't a one of them I would want to eat. Can you imagine spit-roasted Hitlary? Ewww! I think most of the candidates would taste like an Egyptian mummy. How many of them do you think could start a fire? Does the TSA allow lighters? I think so, but my dad can't start a fire with a lighter and gasoline soaked wood. Would the candidates fare any better? Yep, there would be plenty of laughs. I think I'd enjoy seeing what happens to the control-freaks when there is no one to do their bidding.

Since there would be no "voting off", the last one to quit (or the last survivor) would be the winner. Then again, maybe I should reconsider the TV cameras. They could be hidden in the trees or in rocks. People should see what the candidates are really made of. I'm no Bear Grylls; I don't take crazy chances just to make for thrilling television. I don't look as good either, unfortunately. I might just try to stay out of their way until they had either killed one another, or died of starvation. We'd better get busy on this; there is less than a year now. We should make certain the President is chosen in time for the formerly important "Election Day, 2008".