KentForLiberty pages

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Tell Me About Yourself

It's your turn, dear readers. You know all about me, now tell me something about yourselves. You don't need to give away deep, dark secrets; you can remain anonymous if you prefer. I am simply curious who is reading this blog, what region you live in, and what your opinions are. What is your background? Tell me why you read this; maybe what your primary interest is. What do you like or dislike about this blog? What subjects have I ignored or given too much focus? If you would prefer to not publish a comment, email me privately and I will not make the information public.




  1. Hi Kent, you already know me since i've been contacting you a few times. My name's Pierre Schweitzer, I'm 22 and I live in Marseilles, southern France. I discovered your blog on a forum that you already know of ( and now I visit it almost everyday. My father is a libertarian economics teacher at the university, which left me little chances of not becoming libertarian. I'll tell you more about my detailled opinions some time later cos' it would take too long right now...

    What I like about your blog (and site) : your opinions, that are most of the time well justified, your reckless motivation (how can you write everyday and never feel like giving up and ignoring socialists ?), and the fact that you seem to be a nice person. Also it's good to see that some people in america still have the very sense of responsability.

    What I dislike about your blog : sometimes I don't fully understand your worshipping of guns (though I am totally against gun-control laws).

    I still don't know what you do for a living. What's your job ?

    Finally : have you ever considered writing a book ?

    See ya !

  2. My job? Right now I am a stay-at-home dad, also known as a "Mr.Mom". It doesn't pay too well monetarily, but pays very well in baby smiles and kisses.

  3. Oh, and I have considered writing a book, or at least having this blog compiled into a coherent book and published.

  4. Hi Kent,

    I live in the general area of San Antonio, Texas. I like your blogging for your clear and uncompromising viewpoints and the informative links you include now and then.

    My only complaint: Not enough gun blogging! ;)

    I realized that I was not going to fit into the established political system when I was in fifth grade. I remember my teacher said, "The Republican is for the big man and the Democrat is for the little man. I'm a little man, so I always vote Democrat." I replied, "That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard."

    Of course I was only 12 years old at the time. I've heard a lot more stupider things since then.

  5. I appreciate all the comments, including the private emails I received. It is good to know who reads this blog, and why. Thanks and feel free to add more in the future!
