KentForLiberty pages

Saturday, December 09, 2006

"Compliance Is Not Freedom" by Stefan Molyneux

"If you fail to file a tax return, you are not immediately dragged before a kangaroo court, and shot after a speedy and Stalin-esque trial. That takes time.) Rather, you will get a letter – often a rather polite one – asking if there may be some kind of problem. If you do not respond to this letter, very little will happen.

For a while, anyway."

Read the rest here.

Driver's License = National ID

Do you have a driver's license? Why do you believe the government has the authority to number and track you and control your travels? The licenses have very little to do with your abilities to handle a vehicle anymore. They are simply your national ID. They have become the "papers" in the Nazi demand of "Your papers, please!" Now with the new requirements implemented by the feds, it really is your national ID in all but name. There are now national standards that the states must follow or lose a bit of their place at the federal teat. The government thinks it has the authority to tell you what you must do in order to "legally" travel in America. Just try to live without one of these citizen permits today, even if you never "drive". It can be done, but you will be regarded as a trouble-maker. I have known a few people who refused to be "permitted" to drive. They were in no way a danger to anyone but the authority of the government. Still want to have a driver's license? You might as well have a number tattooed on your head.

If safety were the real issue, there are better ways to administer licensing. Insurance companies have the biggest stake in driver safety. Let each of them have their own testing requirements in order to get their coverage. Good drivers would get a discount (off an already lower price because of the government-mandated insurance scam being ended). This would be much more fair, cheaper, and without the privacy and rights violations inherent in the current system.