KentForLiberty pages

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Last Poll Reminder

Here is the last reminder about the online poll at The Next Prez. About halfway down the page on the right side is the Libertarian Poll. You can vote for me or the candidate of your choice there. After November ends, I will leave you alone about this. Thanks.

Social Security

Imagine a little scenario with me. A mugger whom you cannot avoid nor fight back against takes your money for years, then one day says "I have preyed on you long enough. I gave all that money to the needy. Now in your old age I will give you a few dollars every month. Ignore the fact that the money I give you will be stolen from new victims." Do you accept the money from him? This is what the governmental ponzi scheme known as "Social Security" does. It also conditions people to believe that they are entitled to government handouts, just as every other form of welfare does. For generations now, America has been devouring its young. All on the false claim of "taking care of the elderly". The harsh reality is that Social Security is theft. It is an unsustainable scheme that will collapse on the retired Americans who have been tricked into depending on its handouts. Redistribution of wealth is a socialist contrivance. There is no Social Security bank account where all of your "contributions" are deposited, earning interest until the government begins refunding your money to you. No, your stolen money was given to other people long ago. Just because it has been stolen from you for years, does not make it OK for you to accept the laundered money. I do not ever wish to be a thief's "kept man". Social Security, along with its associated tracking number, must be eliminated. It will be painful for some, just as cancer surgery is, but in order to save America's life, it is necessary. Glossing over the truth does no one any good.