KentForLiberty pages

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

The DOJ is Watching

I have noticed that the Department of Justice (a laughable name) is checking on blogs that mention "Wayne Fincher". My blog has gotten "hits" from computers at the DOJ twice that I know of since his kidnapping by the feds. It makes me wonder why. Are they testing the waters to see if anyone notices that they are railroading an innocent man? Are they compiling lists for their next kidnappings? Are they simply curious as to what is being said about the case? Or perhaps an automated program visits websites that mention their latest victim in order to intimidate vocal critics into silence. I can't say for certain that it will not work. I have not been tested, so I do not know how I will measure up. If I am taken down, more will rise up in my place. If I am silenced, others will begin to speak. I think it shows that the government is uncomfortable with its actions being watched. I know I have done nothing wrong, but the thugs of the BATFE can't say the same. They have been shown time and again rigging tests in order to get a conviction. Remember, according to them, a shoestring is a machine gun. In this time of government surveilance, we need to be especially thorough in watching the watchers. We still outnumber them, and we are the good guys.