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Saturday, November 18, 2006

Patriotism 101

What is "patriotism"? "America, Love it or leave it!"? "Brave men and women have died so you can sleep in peace"? Frantic flag-waving? Are you patriotic while reciting the (socialist) Pledge of Allegiance (with its original Nazi salute)? Does it involve shouting down anyone who loves America more than they love the United States government? Or is real patriotism the ability to love the country, while at the same time seeing how badly off-track the US government has gone. Real patriotism seeks to honor and enforce the documents that actually define what America is, and what it stands for. America is not the flag. America is not the web of illegitimate "laws". America is not the President, Congress, courts, or soldiers. America is the ideas enshrined in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. To a patriot, these documents are the template used to recognize America. This is my brand of patriotism. I love America. I want the best for everyone who lives here. I grieve for the pseudo-patriots who have forgotten what America is, and instead blindly worship an out-of-control police-state government. These people will not ever see the truth. Their "patriotism" would have been approved by King George back when the real patriots were plotting to overthrow the tyrant. This safe patriotism is fine with the Tyrannocrats who attempt to enslave us today. "Tell the people they are free often enough, and they will believe they are free". Yes, you are free to do whatever the government permits you to do. Is this the kind of freedom you desire? Even loyal party members in Soviet Russia had that brand of freedom. I want more. I deserve more. You deserve more.