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Thursday, November 09, 2006

Government Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Here is the official US government position on your rights: Rights of the People. Notice Chapter 5. The US government can't afford to state a position on the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. If they flat-out state that there is no Right to Keep and Bear Arms, they know they face an armed revolution. If they admit that the Second Amendment means what it plainly says, they will be admitting that every victim disarmament scheme that has ever been perpetrated on America is illegal, and therefore null and void. So, they are probably trying to find the right weasel-words to keep the essay from saying anything at all. It does not matter. You and I do not need the US government (or any employees thereof) to tell us what the Bill of Rights means. It was written for anyone to understand. The lie is that you need it "interpreted" by legal scholars. You do not. The authors wrote it for everyone. That includes YOU.