KentForLiberty pages

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Election Results: America Loses, Again

Having seen some of this year's crop of political advertisements and the clowns who were asking for our votes, I don't know what to think. Can voters be this mindless? These ads are such an obvious diversion from the true issues that I find it hard to believe they are not seen as buffoonery. "Candidate A" is against this and that. "Candidate 1" is against that and this. They ignore the clear fact that they are both against liberty. Smoke, mirrors, slight-of-hand, holograms, "Hey, look over there", and other tactics hide the true agenda that these treasonous monsters are pushing on us. They promise to steal from someone else to finance giving YOU something, but you too are a "someone else" to somebody. We, the productive humans of Earth, need to put these political parasites on notice that we are watching them, and we do not find their abuses amusing. We are not fooled by their lies and distractions. Any "laws" limiting, regulating, licensing, rationing, or downplaying rights are disgustingly wrong. Politicians, enforcers, and bureaucrats need to be held personally accountable for the evil they do to us. For the rest of their pathetic little lives. Voting against them is not enough.