KentForLiberty pages

Monday, November 06, 2006

Vote if You Must

But please, vote for NO INCUMBENTS. Vote for the Libertarian if there is one, even a LINO Libertarian; one of the honorable "third parties" if not. If there is no Libertarian on the ticket, remember that "None of the Above" is better than a Tyrannocrat (R) or (D). Or, just write "Kent McManigal" in for everything. Maybe you would rather participate in This Campaign instead. Don't fall for the "If you don't vote, you can't complain" lie.

Personal Responsibility (Again)

The worst feedback I get is when I mention "personal responsibility". Do people fear it, or do they believe they will be held responsible, yet others will not? Do most people feel that they themselves are honorable, but no one else is? Universally, people reach out to those who promise to control others through victim disarmament, drug prohibition, cruel moral codes, and other forms of slavery. They reject those of us who tell them to take responsibility for their own lives, and stop worrying about what other people choose to do with their lives. The busy-bodies cry out "But what about X or Z?" Who will stop that from happening? Who will punish the guilty?". In many cases "X" and "Z" are not a violation of the Zero Aggression Principle and should not be forbidden in the first place. In other cases, without statism tying your hands, you would be able to stop it on your own. Morally and without violating anyone's rights. I would prefer to live in a society which is founded on personal responsibility, and teaches that actions have consequences, rather than a "punishment state" where the only thing holding back the flood of chaos and mayhem is the threat of armed assault by the bad(ge) guys.