KentForLiberty pages

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Thinking or Obeying? Be a Human!

It seems to me that people today find thinking for themselves to be very difficult at best. We are accustomed to others (whom we think of as "superiors") telling us what to do and think. The authoritarians in power like it this way, as it is easier to control populations who wait to be instructed. Some of this behavior-modification (perhaps most of it) gets ingrained during the humanity-crushing years spent in the government indoctrination centers that we are told to call "schools". Then we move on to "jobs" which are usually a poor substitute for a meaningful trade. There we are subject to the whims of bosses who, in many cases, reach their intellectual limit by standing upright. It is no wonder that voters continue voting for the cretins who insist that they know what is best for us. News Flash!: No one knows, or can know, what is best for you as an individual except for you. Unless of course you are mentally compromised in some way. The goal of compromising your intellect is what many politicians and bureaucrats strive for each and every day. "You are not highly trained enough to defend yourself. Let us send experts to save you after you have been victimized. Our body-bags are the industry's finest." Or: "You are not smart enough to know which medications are best for you. Even if this one helps you, with no side effects, we don't like it. It sends the wrong message. Take this expensive one that you will need us to help you pay for. Never mind the horrible side effects. They will only help you welcome death." Yes, I am exagerating, but not by as much as you may think. I have faith that if you stop accepting what the authorities tell you as truth, you will be able to discern the truth for yourself. The truth can be ugly, but ugly or beautiful, it is still the truth. Wishful thinking will not change it, but thoughtful action can.