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Friday, September 22, 2006

Politics as Usual, Unfortunately

Read the haloscan comments under my post "Call Me an Anarchist" and you will see that I am being encouraged to lie about where I stand in order to further "the cause". The person who is wanting me to lie calls himself a "Biblicist". Isn't lying to get votes a socialist thing? This is not the libertarian way, and if I ever start doing this, it will be time for me to give up, for then I will have abandoned my principles. I do not do "politics as usual".

Please tell me where "The Ten Commandments" contains our inalienable rights. I can't seem to find anything in there establishing a right. The first five deal with how to respect God, and the last five tell us what not to do with respect to other humans. Other than telling us not to murder (which is not the same as establishing a "right not to be killed") I really do not see anything that could be construed as a right. Basing a government on "the Ten Commandments" is a bad idea. It has been done to death. You can never get away from those first five commandments that lead to persecution of people who have different views on the supernatural than you have. That is why the First Amendment exists. Freedom of religion isn't just a good idea; it's the law.