KentForLiberty pages

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Is America Ready to Be Free?

Are YOU ready to be free? What about your family? How about your friends, neighbors, or co-workers? Is America, in general, ready for freedom? I don't think so. I wish it were. Freedom is expensive. It costs a lot in terms of responsibility. Slavery costs even more, but the cost is hidden because you can blame all your problems on the "master" when you are a slave. This makes it easier if you would rather complain than DO something. If being free became important to even a tenth of Americans, we would free America from the clutches of the United States in short order. There would be massive rejections and refusals of permits, licenses, and taxes. Cops and the military would walk out in defiance of their "superiors" and of the counterfeit edicts they are expected to kill Americans to uphold. Politicians and bureaucrats could spend all day screaming about this "law" or that "phantom-of-the-week" and we would ignore them or laugh in their puffy, red faces. If America were ready to be free, we would be free today. Our task is to make people realize that they deserve to be free. This is the way to get there from here. Once enough of us want to live in liberty, we will.

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