KentForLiberty pages

Sunday, November 12, 2006

ATF: American Terrorist Front

The out of control, illegal gang known as the BATFE has arrested another innocent man and gone into smear campaign mode. Hollis "Wayne" Fincher was arrested for possessing "illegal guns". Read about this case on United States vs. Fincher.

The cowardly NRA has spoken out in support of this state terrorism, stating that it and its 4 million members support the "Project Safe Neighborhoods" program that led to the arrest. As a disgruntled NRA life member, I wrote to them:

"I do not in any way shape or form support "Project Safe Neighborhoods" as has been stated on my behalf as a member in relation to the Hollis Fincher arrest. It is an abomination against the Constitution as is "Project Exile". Please do not make blanket statements unless you are stating that all gun "laws" are counterfeit. Victim disarmament can not be tolerated."

I will wait and see if or how they respond.

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